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Would you spend $7 to support a small business owner AND learn how to lose weight or eat healthier?

Great! I’m one of those small business owners, and I’ve invested years of education, time, and effort into helping people through nutrition science.

Now, I’m creating a program for those who I can’t see 1:1 (which I do daily in my private practice). And for a one-time-only offer, I’m giving you early access as I build this program from the ground up!

What will you get?

As I’m working with a consultant to create the full program, you’ll gain exclusive access to The Body Goals Collective community, where:

  • You can submit questions about eating healthier and losing weight through a form.

  • Starting in a few weeks, I’ll begin answering those questions via video, which you'll have access to for a minimum of 6 months.

  • Your submissions will be anonymous to protect your privacy, but everyone is welcome to comment and ask follow-up questions.


This helps everyone in the community learn and grow together!

*NOTE: By purchasing, you agree to the Terms of Services below


I, _________________________ (hereinafter the “Client”) voluntarily desire to engage in the Coaching services offered by Planted in Nutrition, LLC. (Hereinafter the “Services”) and understand and agree to the following terms and conditions. Services Client hereby engages Planted in Nutrition, LLC. in the Services as described: This agreement includes

Fees For all Services rendered under this Agreement, Planted in Nutrition, LLC. shall be paid at the agreed upon rate. The fees for all Services shall be paid in full and on time as agreed upon with the PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC The Client understands and agrees that the fees as outlined in this Agreement may change. The Client will be notified in writing by email one month in advance, at the last (email) address provided.

Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by giving 30 calendar days written notice of such termination to the other. For monthly subscriptions, Client will be billed monthly and the following month after the written notice is provided will be unsubscribed. If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, no portion of any payments of any kind whatsoever previously provided hereunder shall be owed or be repayable or refunded to Client.

Work Product In this Agreement the term "Work Product" shall mean all work product generated by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC solely or jointly with others in the performance of the Services, including, but not limited to, all information, notes, material, drawings, records, diagrams, formulae, processes, technology, firmware, software, know-how, designs, ideas, discoveries, inventions, improvements, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Work Product. All Work Product shall be the sole and exclusive property of PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC and the Client will not have any rights of any kind whatsoever in such Work Product. Clients will not make any use of any of the Work Product in any manner whatsoever without PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC ’s prior written consent. The information contained in our Work Product material is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if Client wishes to apply ideas contained in this Work Product material, Client takes full responsibility for their actions. PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in any Work Product materials.

The Coaching Experience the Client understands that “coaching” is a relationship with PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal goals and to develop and implement a strategy/plan for achieving those goals. It is Client’s responsibility to take action to implement strategies and Client agrees that progress cannot be made without affirmative effort on its part. The Client understands that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve work, finances, health, relationships, education, and recreation. Client acknowledges that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and implementing these choices is exclusively Client’s responsibility.

The Client understands that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. Client will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters. Client understands that all decisions in these areas are exclusively Client’s and Client acknowledges that Client’s decisions and actions regarding them are Client’s sole responsibility. Confidential Information In this Agreement the term “Confidential Information” shall mean the Work Product and any and all information relating to the PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC ’s business, including, but not limited to, research, developments, product plans, products, services, diagrams, formulae, processes, techniques, technology, firmware, software, know-how, designs, ideas, discoveries, inventions, improvements, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, customers, suppliers, markets, marketing, finances disclosed by Company either directly or indirectly in writing, orally or visually, to Client. 3 Unless otherwise agreed to in advance and in writing by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC, the Client will not, except as required by law or court order, use the Confidential Information for any purpose whatsoever other than in accordance with the Services. Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason, or upon PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC Inc’s earlier request, the Client will deliver to PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC all PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC ’s property or Confidential Information in tangible form that the Client may have in its possession or control.

Waiver and Release the Client hereby agrees to voluntarily participate in the Services provided by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC upon the understanding and conditions that physical exercise and nutrition can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury (including death), and the Client is urged to obtain a physical examination from a doctor before participating in the Services or any exercise activity. The Client assumes risk of all personal injury (including death) and loss (including property loss) resulting from any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to the inherent risks of the Services and risks resulting from the negligence of any person, any breach of contract, or any breach of statutory or fiduciary duty by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC relating to the Client’s participation in the Services. Further, the Client (on their behalf and on behalf of their heirs and successors) waive all claims of every description and kind for personal injury (including death), loss of property, and loss of business (whether direct or consequential) of or to the Client and the Client hereby remise, release, indemnify, discharge, and forever hold harmless PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC , its officers, directors, managers, employees, agents and servants from any and all claims, damages, costs, expenses, loss of services, actions and cause of actions whatsoever at law or in equity which the Client may have by any reason of any act, occurrence, or thing whatsoever that may result from the Client’s participation in the Services.

Independent Contractors The services of independent contractors may be used by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC We do not warrant or guarantee the quality of these services or that they will be continuously available. Legal Fees the Client agrees to pay all court costs and legal fees on a solicitor and client basis incurred by PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC in the effect of enforcing this Agreement. Governing Law The validity and enforceability of this Agreement will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia.


Associates and Other Names the Client understands that this “coaching” is a relationship with PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC and not any other entities (such as “Ingrid Knight, RD & Associates, Inc”).


Disclaimer PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC Inc, its instructors, officers, directors, employees, or contractors are not legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual, or other qualified professionals. Any content or information provided directly or indirectly is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional before beginning any exercise program, including the Services and on any matters regarding your health. All documents included or exchanged between PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC Inc and the Client are the intellectual property of PLANTED IN NUTRITION, LLC  If any term or provision of this Agreement shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by the Law. By signing this Agreement, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to all of its contents, including the Waiver and Release portion of the Agreement and understand it and the implications of signing it, and I declare that I am at least eighteen years of age or have had my parent/guardian sign the Parental


Consent and Release below. Further, I am of sound mind, and signing this Agreement on my own free will. This Agreement may not be changed except by written amendment duly accepted by all parties.

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